Saturday, September 19, 2009

comparison btw Fayol and Weber

Max Weber and Henri Fayol both took the scientific theory that was founded by Frederick Taylor and improved on in their own way. Max Weber took the scientific to the next level so to speak. He created a formal system of organizations and aministration designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness called principles of bureaucracy. The principles of bureaucracy is based off 5 principles similar too Henri Fayol system of management which is based off 14 principles. Both state that it is critial to have authority to lead the employees and to hold them accountable for their actions. Max Weber's principal 4 which states that employees should know who to report to and who reports to them a form of hierarchic that an organization should have mapped out. Which is similar to the Fayol managment theory of Line of Authority which is the length of the chain of command that extends from the top to the bottom of an organization should be limited. Well if an employee can see the chain of command or the line of authority that they can make an educationed decision as too who reports to them and who they report to.

Fayol took what Weber and the scientific theory said and personalized it. Fayol made a person element that the Weber theory and the scientific theory lacked. Fayol want an organization to to treat all employee with justics and respect. Where as Weber was more about rules on how to regulate the behavoir with in the organization. There is a problem with Weber theory and that didn't allow employees to have any creative or innovative. Which Fayol thought it was imporant for an organization to allow such creative and innovation so that the organization would be diverse. Fayol was the first to use Remeneration of Personnel. Thats the system that managers use to reward employees should be equitable for both employees and the organization. Fayol has also the first one to sugest that long term employees develop skills that can improve organization efficiency. Where as Weber didn't state anything about long term employees. Weber's theory was about rules to improve efficiency. Weber in his theory of bureaucracy that was based of the five principals said something the Fayol didn't. Weber second theory should occupy positions because of their performance not because of their social standing or personal contacts.

Jones, G.R., & George, J.M. (2009). Evolution of Manager Thought. 1221 Avenue of the Americas, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
"I neither received nor gave assistance in this assignment."
Nicholas Gates


  1. well researched and executed. thanks for the assistance. (student studying management in Trinidad and Tobago

  2. well researched and executed. thanks for the assistance. (student studying management in Trinidad and Tobago
